

Use the CLI to add hooks to your project.


Use the init command to initialize configuration and dependencies for a new project.

The init command configures the project.

npx scriptkavi-hooks@latest init

You will be asked a few questions to configure hooks.json:

Would you like to use TypeScript (recommended)? no/yes
Which codestyle would you like to use? › React Hooks
Configure the import alias for hooks: › @/hooks
Configure the import alias for utils: › @/lib/utils


Usage: scriptkavi-hooks init [options]

initialize your project and install dependencies

  -y, --yes        skip confirmation prompt. (default: false)
  -c, --cwd <cwd>  the working directory. defaults to the current directory.
  -h, --help       display help for command


Use the add command to add hooks and dependencies to your project.

npx scriptkavi-hooks@latest add [hook]

You will be presented with a list of hooks to choose from:

Which hooks would you like to add? › Space to select. A to toggle all.
Enter to submit.

◯  battery
◯  click-away
◯  copy-to-clipboard
◯  counter
◯  debounce


Usage: scriptkavi-hooks add [options] [hooks...]

add a hook to your project

  hooks         the hooks to add

  -y, --yes          skip confirmation prompt. (default: false)
  -o, --overwrite    overwrite existing files. (default: false)
  -c, --cwd <cwd>    the working directory. defaults to the current directory.
  -p, --path <path>  the path to add the hook to.
  -h, --help         display help for command

diff (experimental)

You can use the diff command to check for updates against the registry.

Run the following command to get a list of hooks that have updates available:

npx scriptkavi-hooks diff
The following hooks have updates available:
- battery
  - /path/to/my-app/hooks/battery.ts
- click-away
  - /path/to/my-app/hooks/click-away.ts
- debounce
  - /path/to/my-app/hooks/debounce.ts

Then run diff [hook] to see the changes:

npx scriptkavi-hooks diff debounce


Usage: scriptkavi-hooks diff [options] [hook]

check for updates against the registry

  hook        the hook name

  -y, --yes        skip confirmation prompt. (default: false)
  -c, --cwd <cwd>  the working directory. defaults to the current directory.
  -h, --help       display help for command